I-94 Chene Street Bridge

The Chene Street over I-94 bridge replacement is part of the I-94 Modernization Project between I-96 and Conner Avenue in the City of Detroit, Michigan. This bridge replacement is designed to accommodate both the interim condition once Advanced Bridge Construction is completed by 2018 and the future condition once I-94 Freeway construction and associated I-94 Service Drives are to be completed by the year of 2036. It consists of five traffic lanes and two pedestrian sidewalks at the interim stage. This bridge was designed using a relocatable pier system. This system features a two-span arrangement satisfying the profiles of both existing and future I-94 by relocating the interim pier 24’-0” in the future. The spans are 120’-2 ½” and 59’ – 5 ½”. at the interim stage. The total width of the bridge is 79’-9” and supported by 12 steel plate girder lines.